Novel #3 is Underway!

Novel #3 (we will call it such until the "official" name release) is underway! This part of the writing process is extremely exciting and probably the most important. It's when I determine the storyline, the setting (hint: a small town in Eastern North Carolina), the characters names and their personalities, and so much more. The better prepared I am on the front end of writing the novel, the smoother things will run from now until the very moment you can hold the book in your hands!

Make sure to follow me on all of my social media pages and subscribe to my email newsletter to stay up to date with Novel #3 as well as to find out what's happening with A Bridge Apart and Losing London.

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  • Josie Lyeth on

    I have certainly enjoyed both of your books and now am waiting for book #3. I enjoyed talking with you at the New Bern Farmer’s Market in early February. Hope to see there again. Keep up the excellent writing. Josie

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