Joey's Thoughts

Books and Taxes

Joey Jones

Books and Taxes

One of the perks of being an author is being able to write-off books on my taxes. Now that tax season is over, hopefully we can all take a break to read. What a relief!

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Book Review: The Miracle Morning

Joey Jones

Book Review: The Miracle Morning

One of my recommendations to all people I talk with about reading is to always be reading two books simultaneously: one fiction and one non-fiction. This allows a reader to constantly challenge the mind and enjoy an adventure. A non-fiction book that I recently completed is The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. I recommend this book to anyone who puts off doing anything in life that they really want to do (which is basically everyone). Hal sets out an ideal plan that you can mold to fit your lifestyle. To use myself as an example, I am always saying that I...

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Writing "A Field of Fireflies" Took Me Back

Joey Jones

Writing "A Field of Fireflies" Took Me Back

As a little boy I absolutely loved playing baseball. My friends and I played whenever and wherever we could. We would pretend to be Major League Baseball stars like Cal Ripken, Jr. and Nolan Ryan. These memories from childhood made writing my newest novel, "A Field of Fireflies", extra special. The story took me back to the days of old when sports were played for fun. Today, I think too many parents and kids take the game too seriously. I hope "A Field of Fireflies" will take you back to a different era as well, and I also hope it...

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Writing Tip: Word Count Goal

Joey Jones

Writing Tip: Word Count Goal

Nearly every successful person will tell you that goals are a necessity when it comes to achieving success. In the writing industry, I believe goals play an integral part of the process. I encourage all writers to set a specific goal when it comes to how many words you would like to write each day. Write down your goal, post it where you can see the number frequently, and work diligently to meet your goal every day. What should your number be? Well, that depends on your schedule and your commitment to writing. My word count goal is typically 1.5k words per...

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My Interview with Allen (Reader/Writer)

Joey Jones Blog Interview YouTube

My Interview with Allen (Reader/Writer)

A new and exciting adventure I am enjoying at my events is interviewing random readers. Most of the talks will be related to books, but we will also chat about all walks of life, including family, movies, vacations, and favorites! There are no limits to the conversations that might come up, the interviews are completely unscripted. So, while most authors are searching for people to interview them, I am reversing the roles. I love talking to readers, and now I will be sharing some of those conversations with you. To view my most recent interview with Allen (Reader/Writer) visit my YouTube...

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